
To Our Kinark Community

As we reflect on this past year, one word comes to mind: growth. 

As an organization, we have experienced notable change as we continue to transform the way we deliver autism services, we find ways to see more kids and families in our mental health programs, and as we further embed a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusivity in all our services.  

In 2023-24, Kinark served almost 9,000 children, youth, and families. We have seen more clients this year than we did the last in both our Autism and Children and Youth Mental Health programs. We are pleased to also have been Accredited under Accreditation Canada’s Qmentum Global program, setting a new bar for our ongoing commitment to quality, ensuring effective safety planning, and continuous improvement.  

We continue to adapt our Autism program in response to changes within the Ontario Autism Program. While the change is definitely challenging, we are proud of how it has enabled innovation and development across Kinark and supported excellent responses to children and youth and their families. Through research and development, technological advancements, continuous learning, quality improvement, and a thorough assessment of our service offerings, we are better identifying and meeting the needs of our clients and their families. With innovative programs launching later this year, we are meeting our clients where they are and responding to their needs and goals. 

We have asked, and heard, a lot about the experiences and perspectives of our community partners, clients, and their families and staff over the past year and we are asking about who we are not yet serving. This ongoing dialogue continues to help chart our path forward, and these insights and moments for reflection help shape our growth, reminding us just how far we have come.  

As we continue on our journey to learn and grow, we stand firm in our unwavering commitment to provide the best possible high-quality services for the most children, youth, and families. Thank you for being a part of our community and supporting our mission to help children and youth with complex needs achieve better life outcomes. 

Sharon Cochran                                               Cathy Paul
Chair, Board of Directors                                   President and CEO, Kinark Child and Family Services 

Content Columns

Stories that Shaped Our Year

  • Enhancing Our Autism Services

    Over the past year, Kinark’s autism services have shifted and expanded to respond to the needs of children with autism and their families. We adopted innovative strategies and systems to enhance service delivery and increased our partnerships with a broad range of providers to be as accessible as possible to our communities.  

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  • Recognizing Our Achievements

    This fiscal year has been marked by many milestones, which Kinark is proud to celebrate. We have nurtured existing and forged new partnerships with other community organizations, strengthening our collective impact.

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  • Celebrating Our Staff

    We want to celebrate the heart and soul of Kinarkour dedicated staff. Discover compelling stories of their experiences, resilience, and commitment to making a difference in the lives of those we serve.  

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Content Columns

By the Numbers

  • 8,890

    clients served across all of our program areas

  • 720

    full- and part-time staff across all regions

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  • 88%

    of clients surveyed agree that services are high quality

  • 95%

    of clients surveyed agree they experience improvement

  • 84%

    of clients surveyed would recommend Kinark to a friend in need

Content Columns

  • 96%

    of caregivers surveyed agree that services are high quality

  • 91%

    of caregivers surveyed agree their child experienced improvement

  • 91%

    of caregivers surveyed would recommend Kinark to a friend in need

Content Columns

  • 91%

    of caregivers in our Autism programs say their children use the skills they learned in their daily life.

  • >95%

    of clients and caregivers in our Child and Youth Mental Health programs agree that services helped them/their child manage life’s challenges.

  • 100%

    of clients surveyed in our Intensive Support  and Supervision Program agreed that treatment and supports were beneficial and helped reduce risk of further conflict with the law. 


Audited Financials

Kinark’s strong fiscal position enabled us to meet our strategic objectives to sustain accountable and efficient management of systems and processes that are centred around value and continuous quality improvements across the organization. 

During the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024, Kinark received an unqualified audit report from our auditors (Hilborn LLP) and this fiscal year’s funding included transition funding from the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services and Ministry of Health. Kinark met or exceeded service delivery targets while maintaining a strong financial position and operating within budget. 


Government funding  $80,606,662  $113,214,648 
Other revenues  $12,758,984  $3,625,227 
TOTAL REVENUES  $93,365,646  $116,839,875 
Salaries and benefits  $42,463,796  $37,901,904 
Other expenses  $37,107,775  $65,018,084 
TOTAL EXPENSES  $79,571,571  $102,919,988 


This financial summary has been extracted from Kinark’s 2023/24 audited financial statement, available here.



About Kinark

Kinark is committed to helping children and youth with complex needs achieve better life outcomes. Although Kinark has been providing children’s mental health services for decades, we only became known as Kinark Child and Family Services in 1983. In 2000, Kinark’s services expanded when we began operating Syl Apps Youth Centre and began providing interventions for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Today, we have more than 700 employees and 50 volunteers, including our Board of Directors. Last year, Kinark served close to 9,000 children and youth across our three program streams: Autism, Community-Based Child and Youth Mental Health, and Forensic Mental Health & Youth Justice Services.